
Heron Pond Farm
Contact: Andre Cantelmo and Greg Balog
Address: 299 Main Avenue South Hampton, NH, 03827
Phone: 603-591-8720
About Us
At Heron Pond Farm, located in South Hampton, NH, we produce over 250 varieties of 35 fruits and vegetables, as well as a large variety of herbs and flowers. We practice sustainable agriculture to produce healthy, fresh food for local consumption in pursuit of our commitment to building community through local agriculture.
At Heron Pond Farm we use organic practices and also what are broadly called conventional agricultural practices. We fertilize almost all of our crops with composted chicken manure and just like many organic farms we use biologically based pesticides. Yes, even certified organic farms use pesticides. Unlike many organic farms we grow sweet corn, the growing of which is benefited greatly by the use of herbicide. The vast majority of our other weed control is done with tractor implements, called cultivators. You will not find many organic farms better equipped to control weeds in this way. We view the use of non-biological pesticides as a tool only to be used where nothing else will work or is practical. We have employees and families who live and play on the farm and their and our safety is paramount. Our farming practices are designed to be sustainable in every sense of the word: environmentally, financially, and mindful of time for other things in life.