
Bluefin Tuna - Gulf of Maine Conservas

Bluefin Tuna - Gulf of Maine Conservas
Bluefin Tuna - Gulf of Maine Conservas
Line caught bluefin tuna in Rye, NH
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Our bluefin tuna is caught via rod and reel, always one fish at a time. Great care is taken to ensure the distinctive flavor of this special fish is conveyed by preserving and canning it in olive oil, inspired by the Mediterranean style. Giant bluefin are the only tuna that forage in the Gulf of Maine. Unlike other canned tuna, bluefin take on fat as they consume herring and mackerel in the cold waters off Rye, NH, making this tuna especially rich and delicious. There are endless ways to enjoy tinned bluefin - from tapas to nicoise to potato chip topper.

Ingredients: Bluefin Tuna, Olive Oil
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